How could probiotics help me for treating my hemorrhoids?
Probiotics can be very helpful for treating your hemorrhoids. It is known that the main
cause for developing hemorrhoids is constipation.
The regular intake of probiotics and dietary fiber could reduce
the degree of chronic constipation substantially and the amount of needed laxatives for it management as
In mild cases of chronic constipation probiotics by itself might
provoke regular bowel movement and to remove the constipation completely. In this way they purify your colon and
help in detoxifying your body.
Hemorrhoids flare up and relapse could also be caused and complicated by food
allergies. In mild cases of food allergy the only one reaction of your body might be the hemorrhoidal crisis and
In response to allergens the body synthesizes biologically active
substance called histamine. Antihistamines are used to block the release of histamines.
Probiotics act as natural antihistamines and could prevent or
mitigate the allergic reactions.
Probiotics prevent problems associated with indigestion such gas,
diarrhea, constipation and bloating. These conditions should be avoided by hemorrhoid sufferers. Probiotics
strengthen capillaries as well.
According to scientific studies the normal intestinal flora can influence
carcinogenesis by producing enzymes that transform precarcinogens into active carcinogens.
There is some evidence that selected microorganisms may actually
protect the body from this carcinogenic activity. The probiotic may inhibit the bacteria that are responsible for
converting precarcinogens into carcinogens., thus preventing the colon cancer development.
What is therapeutic dose of probiotics for treating
Therapeutic Probiotic Dose (TPD) is based on the Colony Forming Units
(CFU) count of 10 Billion.
A CFU:is one or more, sometimes many, bacterial cells that grow
into a visible colony on a Petri dish containing appropriate agar for the microorganism being
One colony is one CFU. For instance, 1 CFU may contain 20 bacteria,
or it may contain 5 bacteria
The recommended therapeutic probiotic dosage differs from
individual to individual and depends on bacterial imbalance in the digestive system.
The greater the bacterial imbalance in the digestive system,
the higher the dosage required for positive results.
Hence, the initial dosage is within (10-35) billion
The highest recommended dosage is about 200 billion
The daily consumption of probiotics is probably the best way to
maintain micro flora balance in the gastrointestinal track.
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